Late Results Entry Request



Update to MRD CLL and MRD AML by Flow Cytometry Reports


As part of the continuous development of our EQA/PT provision we will be introducing some changes to the Flow Cytometer Specific Statistics and MRD Group Specific Statistics tables within the Measurable Residual Disease for CLL by Flow Cytometry and Measurable Residual Disease for AML by Flow Cytometry reports. These will now only display robust data for groups of 20 or more. The number of returns for each method will still be shown. 


UK NEQAS Feature in May Edition of Pathology in Practice


We’re proud to announce that we feature in the May edition of Pathology in Practice. This prominent appearance highlights the exceptional work UK NEQAS undertakes and is introduced with a striking blue front cover.

Readers can find UK NEQAS throughout the publication on pages 3, 7, 11, 15, 16, and 17. The main article, entitled “UK NEQAS: Delivering Far More Than External Quality Assessment,” begins on page 15. In this piece, Liam Whitby, President of UK NEQAS, elaborates on why UK NEQAS is considered a global leader in External Quality Assessment (EQA).

For those who haven’t yet seen the publication, the main article is accessible by clicking on the link above. This feature not only underscores the achievements of UK NEQAS but also provides insightful perspectives on the critical role of EQA in pathology.


Recommended Cells Markers in LPD Diagnosis


UK NEQAS LI contributed data to a Delphi Poll conducted by Dr Iman Qureshi. The poll sought to gather information from respondents on recommended cell markers in lymphoproliferative disorder diagnosis. The findings were published in a poster which can be found below;


Recommended Cells Markers in LPD Diagnosis
Recommended cells markers in LPD diagnos[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [463.1 KB]

The National Measurement Laboratory and UK NEQAS for Leucocyte Immunophenotyping announce collaboration to improve quality assessment schemes for Chronic Myeloid Leukaemia Minimal Residual Disease testing


We’re excited to announce a project collaboration with the National Measurement laboratory to improve quality assessment schemes for Chronic Myeloid Leukaemia (CML) testing.

The project aims to develop an RT-dPCR-based reference measurement procedure (RMP) for BCR::ABL1 quantification. Find out more about the project on our website – Click Here

Liam Whitby, Director at UK NEQAS LI said, "We are extremely excited about this collaboration. By joining forces with NML, we aim to set a new standard in BCR::ABL1 quantification, enhancing the quality of patient care in CML management."


NEW FOR 2024-2025


As part of the continuous development of our EQA/PT provision we will be introducing a number of updates to our flow cytometry and molecular haematology programmes in 2024-2025.


The re-registration period for the 2024-2025 year opens on the 1st February 2024.


Please see the molecular and flow cytometry pages on the website for further details. 

New European LeukemiaNet Laboratory Recommendations for Chronic Myeloid Leukemia Released

We're pleased to share that the European LeukemiaNet has recently updated their laboratory recommendations for the diagnosis and management of Chronic Myeloid Leukemia (CML).



More information can be found on our News/Events Page

Latest Publication from UK NEQAS LI

We’re excited that the final version of our paper ‘Assessment of acute myeloid leukemia molecular measurable residual disease testing in an interlaboratory study’ is now available:


We’re already building on this work by looking at ways we can improve molecular AML MRD testing as part of our Knowledge Transfer Partnership collaboration with the National Measurement Laboratory, National Institute of Biological Standards and Controls and the UK Accreditation Service:


The talks from our webinar are still available on Youtube:


Best Practice and Standardisation of Molecular Measurable Residual Disease Testing in Leukaemia webinar 

The European Union In Vitro Diagnostics Regulation [Regulation (EU) 2017/746 (EU IVDR)] was implemented on the 26th of May 2022.  A statement of the application of the IVDR to external quality assessment (EQA) services can be found here.

UK NEQAS LI are delighted to say that the talks from our Best Practice and Standardisation of Molecular Measurable Residual Disease Testing in Leukaemia webinar are now available at the following link:


The webinar is the first phase of a knowledge transfer partnership assessing the need for further standardisation of measurable residual disease testing in AML selected by the Chief Scientific Officer as part of their 2022 programme - current projects


Knowledge transfer partnerships are collaborations at a senior level of NHS scientists with partner organisations including the United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS) and partner organisations that collectively deliver the UK's National Measurement System (NMS); The National Measurement Laboratory (NML) hosted at LGC; The National Physical Laboratory (NPL) and The National Institute for Biological Standards and Control (NIBSC). By facilitating early interaction and knowledge exchange, the programme aims to speed up the identification and dissemination of high value new approaches to improving patient outcomes and increasing efficiency, while also promoting economic growth and inward investment in the Life Sciences.


The objectives of the webinar were to:

  • To improve basic knowledge of molecular measurable residual disease (MRD) testing
  • To share best practice for MRD testing
  • To look at the current use of acute myeloid leukaemia (AML) MRD testing and assess what more can be done to reduce intra and inter laboratory variation

Publication from UK NEQAS LI

UK NEQAS LI has recently assessed the implementation of the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) haematological cancers improving outcomes guidelines (NG47) across Specialist Integrated Haematological Malignancy Diagnostic Services in England. Read about the findings here:

Publication from UK NEQAS LI

UK NEQAS LI was recently part of an international harmonized study for data analysis in the evaluation of multiple myeloma residual disease by high sensitivity flow cytometry. Read about the findings here:

Publication from UK NEQAS LI

Read the latest publication from UK NEQAS LI that has assessed the impact of the 2017 European LeukemiaNet recommendations on FLT3 allelic ratio calculation and reporting in AML:


Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, a UKAS accredited proficiency testing provider No. 7804, operating UK NEQAS for Leucocyte Immunophenotyping.

You can find our schedule of accreditation here.

Also a link to the UKAS website can be found here, where you will be able to view and download a PDF of our current accreditation certificate.

Connect with us

UK NEQAS for Leucocyte Immunophenotyping (UK NEQAS LI) now has a Facebook page and a Twitter account. We will be posting important messages to these accounts relating to our schemes so please like or follow us, respectively.

We hope that these feeds will act as a useful eductational resource for participants and collaborators alike, collating interesting papers, conference info, videos and news stories in haemato-oncology. As we develop our online presence we hope to publish some of our own educational content. If you have any feedback or ideas as to content you would like us to include, please do not hesitate to get in touch.

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Last updated 16/12/2024 © UK NEQAS for Leucocyte Immunophenotyping not to be reproduced in all or part without permission.

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