Molecular Haemato-oncology


If you have chosen to participate in any Molecular Haemato-oncology EQA programme except Chimerism you will receive a lyophilised cell-line/patient sample preparation for molecular analysis. Instructions for storage, reconstitution and use of the lyophilised sample will be included with the sample. Prior to reconstitution, the lyophilised cells are stable at ambient temperature however, once the cells are reconstituted they should be processed immediately.


Please note- all lyophilised samples provided within these programmes are for EQA purposes only.


If you have chosen to participate in the Chimerism programme (and in some circumstances Ig/TCR clonality trials) you will currently receive fresh blood samples. Upon receipt, these samples should be processed immediately to prevent any degradation of the DNA.


***New for 2024-2025***


As part of the continuous development of our EQA/PT provision we will be introducing several updates to our molecular haemato-oncology programmes in 2024-2025.


Merging of the JAK2 p.Val617Phe Mutation Status and Myeloproliferative Neoplasms Diagnostic Testing programmes
UK NEQAS LI is consolidating the JAK2 p.Val617Phe (V617F) Mutation Status and the Myeloproliferative Neoplasms Diagnostic Testing programmes for the 2024/2025 registration period. Further details will be provided as this development progresses.

Registration by marker for MRD for AML by Molecular Methods
During registration for 2024/2025, participants will be asked to specify the markers they test in the Measurable Residual Disease in Acute Myeloid Leukaemia by Molecular Methods programme. (t(8;21) RUNX1::RUNX1T1, inv(16) CBFB::MYH11, t(15;17) PML::RARA, NPM1 gene, and FLT3). Participants will only be shipped the samples they require for testing which will reduce plastic waste. Costing will be tiered based on how many markers participant’s test. 


BCR::ABL1 Minor Quantification is now  automated
Following the successful accreditation of the BCR::ABL1 Minor Quantification programme by UKAS (ISO 17043) and the increase in the number of trial issues from two to three per annum, we have now automated the data entry, analysis and reporting processes for the BCR::ABL1 Minor Quantification programme allowing for the implementation of formal performance monitoring. 


The Lymphoplasmacytic Lymphoma/Waldenström Macroglobulinaemia programme is scheduled for accreditation

UK NEQAS LI have submitted the Lymphoplasmacytic Lymphoma/Waldenström Macroglobulinaemia programme to our accrediting body (UKAS) for accreditation and hope for its inclusion in our formal scope of accreditation in 2024/25. This will allow for the implementation of formal performance monitoring. 


Diffuse large B cell lymphoma liquid biopsy study
UK NEQAS LI will be running a small pilot study assessing the use of next generation sequencing based liquid biopsy testing in diffuse large B cell lymphoma. If you’re interested in taking part in this study, please contact



Update to ISO 17043:2023
An update to the ISO 17043 standards, to which EQA/PT providers are accredited, was released in May 2023. There are major new sections on impartiality, risk and information management. EQA/PT providers have a three-year transition window to show compliance to the new standards. UK NEQAS LI are currently performing a gap analysis to identify areas where additional work will be required to demonstrate compliance in 2024/2025. 


Please see programme specific pages on our website for further details.


* denotes changes to the programme in 2024/2025


**The JAK2 p.V617F Mutation Status programme is now incorporated within the MPN DT programme. Please note, only the JAK2 p.V617F aspect of testing is currently accredited. We are working towards accreditation for the other markers.






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Last updated 16/12/2024 © UK NEQAS for Leucocyte Immunophenotyping not to be reproduced in all or part without permission.

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