Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF) Immunophenotyping (Pilot - Not Accredited)


The infiltration of leukaemic cells into cerebrospinal fluids (CSF) is often associated with a poor prognosis. This programme is designed to assess a laboratory’s ability to immunophenotype leukaemic cells in CSF by flow Cytometry.


A sample of stabilised white cells suspended in artificial CSF will be provided together with a digital cytospin image for preliminary morphological analysis prior to undertaking flow cytometric assessment.


Participants are required to analyse the sample using their routine testing procedure to ascertain if there is CSF involvement of the disease type given. Results for CSF cell count, cell morphology and immunophenotyping via flow cytometry are requested in this programme. 


No cytospin film will be provided with the sample. Participants should not use the stabilised sample to make a cytospin as the stabilisation process is designed to preserve the cells for flow cytometric analysis, and so this may result in aberrant blood film morphology that could be misleading.


One sample is issued per trial and this programme issues samples a minimum of 2 times per annum and a maximum of 3.


Trials for this programme are live/open for a minimum of 3 weeks.

Please Note: Trials issued/closing in August or December are extended by 1 week.


No activities in relation to this EQA programme are subcontracted.


To register for this programme, please click here.

CSF Coversheet 242502
CSF 242502 Coversheet.pdf
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Last updated 16/12/2024 © UK NEQAS for Leucocyte Immunophenotyping not to be reproduced in all or part without permission.

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