Programme objective: This programme issues stabilised whole blood into which has been spiked stabilised Chronic Lymphocytic Leukaemia (CLL) material. Laboratories are required to determine the level of measurable residual disease by flow cytometry, please note this programme is not suitable for the measurement of MRD by molecular methods.
Clinical/scientific background: The assessment of measurable Residual Disease (MRD) populations is often performed following treatment for leukaemic disorders. The levels of MRD are used as a predictive factor for relapse and as an indicator for patients entering remission. As such the measurement of MRD can have a direct effect on the treatment regimen of a patient.
Suitability: These samples are suitable for flow cytometric analysis only, they are not suitable for molecular methods. For molecular MRD EQA programmes, please follow this link
Sample type/distribution: The programme issues 2 samples, a minimum of three and maximum of four times per annum, subject to sample availability. The 2 samples are manufactured from the same CLL case and are designed to represent different stages post treatment to assess the ability of a centre to detect CLL leukaemic cells at measurable residual disease levels within a background of stabilised normal whole blood. Laboratories are requested to report the percentage of residual leukaemic cells in the 2 follow up samples as a percentage of the total leucocytes. A trial schedule may be found here
Trial duration: Trials for this programme are live/open for 3 weeks. Please note, trials issued/closing in August or December are extended by 1 week. An automated email is sent 2 days prior to the trial closing, to any participant that has not returned results, warning them of the trial closure date.
Subcontracted areas: Pre-issue and post-closure testing of samples for this programme are not subcontracted.
Updates to the programme for current or upcoming year: Further electronic exercises to be issued and a move towards accredited status.
Please note that the Flow Cytometer Specific Statistics and MRD Group Specific Statistics tables will now only display robust data for groups of 20 or more. The number of returns for each method will still be shown
To register for this programme, please click here.